Friday, June 27, 2008

the hand of god

and then i remembered what He promised me..

Thursday, June 26, 2008


After Alpha tonight, I was invited to participate in Compline. An evening prayer which was completely foreign to me.

We used the Compline prayer from The Book of Common Prayer of the Church of Ireland.

It was so incredibly special. It was just the three of us speaking these ancient words of worship in unison and it was so powerful. I can't really explain it - it was just intimate and focused and amazing.

As I drove home, I thought how crazy it was that there were people all over the words speaking, praying Compline tonight, perhaps even simultaneously.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

one bad week

i've been doing great with the running - at least 4x a week - until this week.
how is that i can have almost a month of greatness and then i fall off the wagon for one week and i feel god awful about myself.

the funny thing is next time i run i'll be faster and it will feel great - but right now i just feel terribly horribly guilty..

why is that i can have weeks of awesome performance but one bad week and i'm destroyed?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

church shopping


i've been looking for a home church for quite some time but today i decided to get really serious about it. i can't tell you what pushed me over the line from contemplation to action - but at 6:10p i found myself walking up a few stairs to the front door of an unfamiliar church for evening prayer and low mass.

there is always a sense of trepidation when i enter a new church for the first time unaccompanied. not that i think lightning will strike but i sometimes wonder. i almost expect someone to ask me what i'm doing there or escort me out. luckily this usually never happens and tonight was no exception.

in fact, everyone was quite welcoming and it felt somehow as if i had come home.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Friday, June 06, 2008

weekend in old saybrook, ct

I'm up in Connecticut with the family for the weekend - celebrating my cousin's graduation from Brown. Of course, it's wonderful to chill with family but it is fantastic to just escape. Disappear from my life, the city, my place & the routine.