Thursday, November 10, 2005

Dinner with Bill.

Bill Clinton was the dinner speaker for Golden Tree's Second Annual Investor Conference. Doesn't he look angelic in this picture?

I was on my cell in a corridor of the Essex House, it was empty except for me and one other guy who was on his cell. Bill Clinton arrived escorted by two or three secret service men. He shook both of our hands as he walked down the hallway. It was pretty cool. I'll never forget it. The funny thing is this is the second time I've seen Bill in person this year. In the second week of February I saw him at Zaytinya in Washington, DC.

1 comment:

gary j. introne said...

Can't anyone yet give it up on all this Bill Clinton fixation? No big deal at all. Moveit along. you sound worse than Joe Conasen in the current Esquire - all effusive but saying nothing of substance. Clinton says, in that article, that when people have no other reasons to attack him, they attack his motives. Guess that means me then, 'cause his motives stink. Drop me a note


Thanks. Gary Introne