Tuesday, March 03, 2009

the lenten disciplines

it's funny - many people participate in keeping a lenten discipline almost to the point that one might consider it a secular endeavor. how do i keep my lenten disciplines holy? how does one observe a meaningful lent?

how does one even begin to prepare their hearts for the journey towards easter? how can one make lent meaningful and transformative in their life?

it's days after ash wednesday and i am not entirely satisfied with my lenten disciplines. i have renounced alcohol and verbal obscenities. but somehow it doesn't seem enough. for now, those are the very specific disciplines i have decided to keep.

also, i've decided to lessen. to spend less. eat less. entertain myself less. all in an effort to make my life a little smaller so that i might possibly see more of God in it. honor Him more through it. and perhaps even participate somehow in Christ's temptation in the desert.

somehow i still feel as if i should include something - add something additional to my plate.

i've started reading alexander schmemann's great lent journey to pascha to help me get some bearings on Lent and how to truly take advantage of this season of 'bright sadness'.

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