Thursday, December 08, 2005

Iran's President Suggests Israel Relocate to Europe

I laughed out loud and shook my head when I read this article. Iran's recently elected President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has suggested that the Holocaust never occurred and that Europe's insistence that it has might explain their unconditional support of Israel. He then advocated Germany and Austria offer parcels of land to the Israelis, as a method of assuaging their own guilt, so the Israelis can relocate.

How outrageous. First, what would Europe gain by inventing the Holocaust? It's just as dim an argument as the U.S. imagining slavery. Neither Europe nor the U.S. stands to gain anything by creating these atrocites. The Holocaust and Slavery gave birth to movements, laws, coalitions, racism, etc.. It is evidenced in so many ways.

The world got a sense for his feelings about Israel when he called for it to be "wiped off the map" in October. There was no need for him to insult the rest of us by implying that we were engaged in this collective illusion.

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