Sunday, December 18, 2005

My Runner's O

Some runners describe "Runner's High" as this thing where they become one with the universe while they are running and it just carries them into infinity. Something that lasts several minutes if not tens of minutes.

I sometimes have what I lovingly refer to as, "The Runner's O."

This afternoon, I was running in my apartment building gym, a three star dungeon, on a treadmill. It was me and Jay-Z. I was 53 minutes into my run and my breathing told the whole story. I never get the O before four miles. Yes, if it were recorded, amplified exponentially and replayed for my lover he would recognize it with fond memory.

There was a bit of pain. Not PAIN, as in anyone with good sense would stop, but a benign discomfort. A dull aching in my quads and arms that was a sweet agony. A soreness and exhaustion that was both tempting and discouraging. While my body was full, my mind was insatiable. My mind was pushing my body, "Faster! Harder! More!" It hurt but I couldn't stop. An all too familiar delerium.

It started with an awareness of the skin on my arms and legs as if someone were tickling my skin giving me goosebumps. Then a warmth that came slow and then fast. A full body blush that started pink and became red. And then it was extinguished with a shiver. Just. Like. That. Not even 30 seconds.

All the while I just kept running.


michael said...

I just found your blog through a random series of coincidences. I just have to ask - Was it a real real orgasm? Maybe you're one of the few lucky women who can self-stimulate. And of those few, how many can there be who do it while running?

alyse said...

LOL. Michael, you've made my evening. Sorry to disappoint, but I wasn't self-stimulating while running in the gym.

No, the Runner's O is definitely not the real thing.