Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I. Will. Not. Lose. Ever.

a piercing blue, cloudless sky is draped above the coliseum.

her lacerated hands and knees press into the earth. dirt cakes weary arms and legs. a rivulet of blood snakes her anguished countenance.

her opponent has turned his back and raised his arms in premature victory. a swarm of faces smirk and roar at the indication of her defeat.

but the beast inside of her, though weary, will not sleep. a zephyr blows through the amphitheatre, cooling her face, stirring the dust.

tears speed down her cheeks. her eyes close. she sees herself, a tiny girl in braids, bright eyes, wide smile.

this is not her destiny. this is not what has been written.

she rises from her untimely grave and moves toward he who has underestimated. the cheering has become a cacophony of laughter. she is their joke and this fortifies her.

she appraises her nemesis. his face twisted in an arrogant sneer.
she has one opportunity. and it is sufficient.

fury forces her fist through his jaw. his neck snaps and his lifeless body tumbles to the ground.

the coliseum is silent.

dear friend,
if the score is not in your favor then the game is not over.

I. Will. Not. Lose. Ever. Fucka.
Jay-Z, U Don't Know


*jonn* said...

that a mighty vocabulary you got there :D

GC said...

Quite interesting... and the picture is great :)

Glad you liked the Mitoraj pics, but allow me a question. How did you find about my blog? As I do not think I know anyone in Washington DC and thus I doubt I did tell you about it? :)



becomingme said...

Hey You!
I don't know what to say. Words seems so inadequate. I know that I have not been easy to deal with and my circumstances and situation have infringed upon our friendship. You are a fantastic friend and I love you dearly for your support, your kindness, and, most importantly, your unconditional love. I hope that I will never have to speak words like this to you...may your life be filled with magnificence, beauty, and abundance. But, just in case, I hope I can be the rock you've been for me and offer you just a portion of generosity, solicitude, and concern that you've offered me.

How. Can. I. Lose. Ever?