Sunday, January 29, 2006

happy birthday, my darling.

happy 93rd, Ike. my darling, darling grandfather.

at 93, you are still the most informed man that i know. you watch the news, both ny (consequence of direct tv) and local. all the sunday morning shows and read the paper everyday. you are still incredulous that elton john got married. you look for soul train on tv because 'you like to watch them bounce.' you are a republican but recognize bush is a complete ass. even now at 28, you still correct my speech, speak random phrases in french, and tell me about the cocksuckers running the world. and you've been married to an amazing but difficult woman for 66 years.

it is my pleasure to love you.

i love to hear you reminisce about your days as a philly firefighter. i love to hear you talk about something you will always love. when you started as a fireman in 1940, whites and 'colored boys' had separate firehouses. it wasn't until '49 that you could apply for a transfer into a white firehouse.

what breaks my heart is that one day you will disappear. and i will be destroyed. no one will ever love me the way that you have. and a part of me will die. petal and pollen falling lifeless beside the vase.

so, last night instead of seeing the banker i was here. while gram slept, i listened to you talk about the firehouse and elton john and how condoleeza is probably a 'lezzy'. you ask me if i'm going to see big momma 2. you saw enough in the preview, "a big chick running on a beach in a yellow bathingsuit. she looked like a sherman tank. but i couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman."

i brought you a philadelphia tribune and we sat in the livingroom reading in happy and intimate silence.


becomingme said...
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becomingme said...

I, too, bid Ike a happy birthday. It was my great pleasure to meet Ike long ago. It's been such a long time I'm sure that he doesn't remember meeting a young woman with short, short hair.

He has been the litmus test for me for much in your life, Em. Whenever you tell me something about someone, I ask you if Ike has met him. Then, I ask you if Ike likes him. That helps me determine his character. Ike has been like my own grandfather. I have lived vicariously through you, a loved and cherished granddaughter loved interminably.

I do, however, politely and respectfully disagree with you.

and a part of me will die.

parts of you live precisely because Ike lives and parts of you will come alive in his absence. You have a lifetime of memories made with your grandfather. Cherish them. You are blessed and lucky in ways that many of us have not been. Not that that is a reason or a justification for anything. you have a wonderful relationship--something to envy. I know I envy you.

Please wish Ike a belated birthday on my behalf. I have loved him through you for many years.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your grandfather. It sounds like you have quite an interesting family.

All the best,
D. Ox

Anonymous said...

That's our Grandpa.... -vew