Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Last Best Kiss

My favorite Hollywood kiss is Adrien Brody and Halle Berry at the Oscars. It was spontaneous and passionate and seemingly authentic.

As little girls we are weaned on the notion that a true love's kiss will wake us from eternal slumber and begin the happy ending. At 27, I realize the absurdity of this yet in the deepest recesses of my imagination, there is a little bit of hope for just that. It's not the myth of a man with solutions for my every problem that I seek. Even in my fantasies I can't imagine someone with the solutions to all my problems or that I would implement their advice blindly in all facets of my life.

I still believe in the kiss. One kiss can reveal everything. It articulates what words cannot. Reviewing your inventory of kisses there are no doubt those that are incomparable. Each kisser has their trademark. But certain kisses stand apart intrinsically for how they made you feel and what they made you believe.

There is always one kiss that stands apart in our memory. In my lifetime, I've kissed more than my share, but can only describe two as utterly remarkable. One in 1996 and the other in 2005. The only common denominator in both scenarios is that I felt the magic and I believed it.

What made it your last best kiss?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my last best kiss? his name is charles, he was a train conductor in missouri. i must say first, that i am not a kissing fanatic. in fact, in the last three relationships i've had, kissing has been limited and, in some case, serverly and purposely curtailed. but back to the train conductor. i agree with what you said about feeling the magic of a kiss, but i would extend it just a tad bit further. kissing, in fact, is the magic that blooms with the possibility of a thing (to quote the movie "love jones"). when you share a kiss that is truly phenomenal with the lip locker of your choice, you are magically suspended between being ever present in pleasurable nirvana while holding on the promise of the seconds to come when you will be able to experience the same pleasure that you experience in the moment of the kiss. the anticipation of pleasure exponentially magnifies pleasure of the moment. charles, my best kiss, was soft and gentle as well as sensual and demanding. the moment we shared made his lips soft, his hands roam with respect, and our intentions mingle one with and in the other. it was an electric experience. it is probably one that i will never experience again - at least not with him. but, i am warmed and blissful in its remembrance. i look farward to my next electrical surge and overload, but until then . . . happy kissing to you.