Sunday, November 20, 2005

Snoop Rallies to Save Tookie

Snoop lends his weight and inflence to a peaceful rally outside of San Quentin State Prison urging Governor Schwarzenegger to grant clemency to Tookie Williams. Schwarzenegger said earlier in the week that he hadn't reached a decision yet but was approaching it with dread.

Not since four decades ago when Governor Ronald Reagan granted clemency to a brain damaged death row inmate has a death sentence been waived in the state of California.

We'll need to do more than cross our fingers.

1 comment:

becomingme said...

God bless Snoop & Big Tookie! My question is why don't we investigate why some youth chose to join gangs? Why don't we seek to understand why ninety percent of black males don't have at least one person that they would consider a best friend? People are capable of change--look at Dubya's religious conversion to which he credits his sobriety. I am a firm believer that, "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." If Took isn't rehabilitated, how can we be sure that the correctional system is able rehabilitate criminals? With this in mind, what is the point of correctional facilities if not to change convicts in the manner that Tookie has been changed? When little brown boys continue to believe that love, companionship, and protection are ideals and that the responsibility of their lives can only be shouldered by the barrel of a 9mm, Tookie isn't the only one that needs saving--we all do.